Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Signs, Signs


Clytie said...

This sign could be taken in different ways, couldn't it? I like it!

RedPat said...

Nice pun! Great capture.

Anonymous said...

why am i not surprised a juice bar is named this?

Postcardy said...

Juice bar and brewing supplies seems like a rather strange combination.

Inger-M said...

Nice and colorful sign!

EG CameraGirl said...

LOve the name of the place! Very clever!

genie said...

Such a clever and appropriate name for the juice bar...and the colors of the sign are very eye-catching. Like it.

Kim, USA said...

Neat sign ^_^


Lesley said...

clever name for a juice bar... but I am intrigued by the 'brewing supplies'!

Unknown said...

love this colorful wall! terrific signs.